Friday, October 31, 2014

Christmas without the Kranks

I know - I know - I have fallen short of the blogger cardinal rule...
write regularly.
But life gets in the way -
and when you're a wee bit ADD -
each day contains millions of tiny little things...
every once in awhile they are productive too!

But today I had to share.
I crack myself up - pretty regularly...myself that is - no one else.

So even though this is Halloween - let me present you with my Christmas letter I just sent my children and husband, entitled -
Time to Talk:

Hi Gang,

It's time to have this talk.  By now you all know the truth about Santa.
He's a double agent.

On the one hand, he presents you with gifts that you need, that you can not or will spend the money on - 
despite its need.
On the other hand, nothing fills his sense of accomplishment more than presenting you with that one item,
that object of your heart's desire, 
that once again - is out of your reach or reason.

In short, he provides the socks AND the shiny, electric gizmo.
Yes, yes I did say gizmo.

So while I understand today is a day full of sugar induced comas, and frenetic parents everywhere - 
you need to set aside some time giving thought to Santa's assignment for 2014.  
Time is ticking, and I know his elves are starting their power play on Monday (big hockey fans those elves).  
Get out there - plan those lists for Santa's alter egos, and get them to me ASAP!

This message will not only NOT self destruct, but the absence of a response might encourage a certain spunky Cuban woman to start persistent pestering.

Glad we had this chat - carry on.
xo - me

Not chuckling?  That's okay - I am.  Carry on (as PH would say - right?)