Friday, August 31, 2012

Me and My Shadow

It's taken weeks of dedication, but I have finally lost all my tan.  Okay, maybe not all, but I can go out in a bathing suit now without the tri-tone thighs.  I apply sunscreen on both sides of my body, instead of the one side that gets the sun throughout an entire day on the bike.

 One of the things I notice is the play of shadows now as both time of year and location have started to shift for us. 

On tour, shade was a rare commodity,
so our our shadows were small, close and tight.

Out east, our shadows loom long and dark, while out west - they were barely a mark on the pavement.

Now as I wander, once again on two feet instead of two wheels - my image is set. 
In Peter Pan, the Darling children are always losing their shadows,
Peter cries when his runs away, and Wendy knows how attach them. 
There are theories out there as to the meaning of those shadows - whether images of childhood innocence and fantasy or the premonition of pending adulthood and it's responsibilities. 
All I know, is when we're riding, we're flying...and for the moment - we won't grow up.

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