Monday, June 18, 2012


Things I wished I had taken a photo of...but pedaling took precedence...

The Amish boy of twelve or thirteen, laying belly down by the side of the road on the grass, hat two feet beyond his reach. He looked up as we pedaled by, his short bangs and long hair gave him a look of someone out of a different era. Then...

The teenage Amish boy, riding his "sport" buggy, just as wildly smiling as any boy behind the "wheel".

Or all the mailboxes across the country, from whales, tractors, to just about any type of receptacle that will hold a bill or two.

The lawn ornaments..a bounty of tired woodland creatures, cows, children plucking petals to peeing, a variety of ceramic geese dressed in any assortment of aprons or rain gear, dutch mates, and the random gnome.

The layers of climbing and rolling hills of Ohio, looking like an elaborate scalloping on a cake.

Or the Amish farm pond, with swans and goats together with their babies.

The fat field rat that took one look at me, jumped straight up in the air, ran around like a nut, and then popped into his hole.

The barns...the barns - each one with it's own life story...

And the people who wave from their front porch.

The house that had a driveway lined with "posts" topped with a different colorful hand crafted birdhouse.

The color combinations of wildflowers - purple or blue always a host to yellow or orange.

The small bird relentlessly chasing a hawk away from its nest.

The dragonflies' and birds' bellies we have seen as they fly alongside us for more than three heartbeats.

The surprised deer that ran and leapfrogged over each other when we pedaled right next to them.

The dandelion tufts the size of softballs...

 And little guys faces when they see us go by.

Today I took these...
and earth

humming powerlines, and deer knocking themselves out to get away from the yellow
let's not split hairs and call it a century...


  1. Don't forget the lawn balls -- you get to punch your partner (gently) when you see one!
