I am also an eclectic reader.
I read a variety of books,
fiction, nonfiction, historical novels, autobiographies,
books for smaller people.
I suffer from HTFI - (have to finish it),
so there are books that lay in wait
for me to complete that second half,
whether I like it or not,
or even last chapter before it goes on a shelf.

I buy books, from anywhere.
(I broke up with my local public library two years ago).
In fact, on our travels I found two used book shelves in the
Chamber of Commerce Gift Shop in Hooker, OK.
(Their prize T shirt states: A LOCATION NOT A VOCATION...just to clarify).
On that trip I purchased three paperbacks. Interest had me leave behind The Time Machine,
and weight had me deposit War and Remembrance.
The last remained - my sisters call it "a bathtub book",
and I've already forgotten the title.
My mother was fascinated by books.
Coffee table books were perfect Christmas gifts for her.
Like my mother, my house holds books in twos, fives, or twenties strewn all around.
Jeff has long ago given up the thought of having books live in shelves.
My books are like companions, they rest by a chair,
patiently waiting for my return;

hoping to be the next one to rest in my hands;
they lay by my side of the bed, knowing that
I will complete their tale.
Many stories I read always leave a piece of themselves with me.
The first portion of this blog's title is "Books".
The books I will write about here are important to me -
they've left me with a quote or a question.
This is not intended to be a book review - because - truthfully,
like everything else,
I'll only talk about the ones I liked enough to let settle in
my heart or head.
It's just me sharing, and maybe
starting a conversation.
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