Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Heave Ho or What Goes Down...

Week three, and the well timed email blasts continue.  They are filled with pearls of wisdom, words to the wise and sage advice.  One such nugget is:  What goes downhill, must go uphill, what baggage you bring, you must carry...and they don't mean luggage. (Don't get me started on the weight restrictions/packing list.)  This is clear, logical sense.  And so the diet began...
Yes indeed!

 I don't miss a lot, but a glass of chardonnay would certainly calm my nerves right about now.
Submit, again.


  1. Hmmm. Do NOT lose any pounds between now and departure. You don't want to destroy any muscle tissue that you've built up during your training for the ride. Just my dos centavos.

    It's too early for carbo-loading, but you are going to be burning 4-5,000 additional calories each day.

