Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gotta Go

My friend Glenn, has a family tradition that is easy, practical and efficient.  It's called Gotta Go.   At the end of a family meal, his mom passes around the serving platters and says, "Gotta go."  The platters continue to be passed around and around, with everyone taking just a bit more, until the plates are clear.  No leftovers, no excess to clog up the refrigerator, and everyone feels as if they have done their part.

The next CR email blast comes with another suggestion that could lead to all those virtues as well.  Women, for ease, keep your hair long - check, got that.  Men, for efficiency, shave your legs.  It's Gotta Go.   Um.  The theory out there is that hairless legs make one more aerodynamic, and therefore faster.  So, how much hair slows you down - an inch, two? Does stubble cause a gradual slow down?  Maybe we don't need a drag brake if neither one of us shaves.  Some riders say it makes them "feel" faster, some say it's easier to clean out wounds and abrasions.  Abrasions??? 

The bigger issue - breaking the news to Jeff.  I am a rule follower - for the most part.  If something is suggested to me, I will do my best to follow through.  (Please don't use this insight to your  Jeff, on the other hand, marches to his own drummer.  Actually - his own band.  An advantage of long tandem rides is the opportunity for us to share news, problem solve, and generally catch up.  I decided to use our first outdoor ride of the season to share this information with him...trying to appeal to his sense of ease, practicality and efficiency. I explained Gotta Go.

Have you ever seen that T-shirt that reads, "If you can read this, the ----- has fallen off the back"?  I guess we'll be riding a tad slower.