Monday, May 7, 2012

Just the Facts Ma'am

Who - We are 22 full time riders, and 5 part timers.  Some riders are returning to do another chunk of the ride, for many, including us, it's a virgin voyage.  (I'm hoping there won't be any sacrifices.)

What  - Our demographic is "Let's do this while we can - Why not do it now?"

When  - Our average mileage is 85 miles a day, with enough centuries to get us across the country without missing 4th of July fireworks.

Where - Thank goodness for a nightly hotel stay, with soft beds, hot meals, and cold beer (or chardonnay).

How -  We are able to just concentrate on the ride and leave the schleping of gear to CrossRoads.  We are supported by a van filled with Goo and Gatorade, and a staff filled with good cheer.

Why - We are biking across country for the experience and the challenge.  They are many riders, however, who are tying in a cause to their rides.  I will be posting their causes, and their blog sites in case you would like to support them in their honorable efforts.
Trusty Saddle

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