Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Line Up Ducks

Since the start of this venture, I've been trying to get my ducks in a row.  Remember when I said we got each other all sorts of cross country "stuff" for Christmas.  I thought it would be a wonderful idea to start gathering that stuff in a nook in our room.  See:

Then we (I) spent the past few months experimenting, pedaling, trying out, pedaling, choosing, pedaling, and accumulating, and pedaling. This is what happened next:

Remember when I mentioned that we received two duffel bags each.  Well, have you seen a bowling ball bag?   So little space, so much gear.   Then, panic set in.

The time has come to actually pack it, and pray that I've hit the weight restriction. It's amazing how little "stuff" we need in our lives.


My ducks are now in a row.


  1. You are a quackerjack to fit all that in! Good work!

  2. FWIW, on my CrossRoads' trips, I packed Crocs instead of shoes - a huge savings on weight.

    Tick, tock...

  3. Wait, don't you have a wine carrier on the bike???

  4. That's what a CamelBack is for...just kidding Tracy, just kidding.
