Thursday, May 31, 2012

Monty Python Moments

Sometimes life is so much more odd than anything you could ever imagine.

First there was the man who drove up to us all at a SAG stop.
He asked if we were biking cross country?    
Yes, we are. 
Are you going on Highway 54?                      
Yes we are. 
That's a really dangerous road.    pause           
Thanks for letting us know. Say, is it always so windy?
This is no wind, this is just a breeze.  It'll be worse soon.

Have you ever seen an entire group of people just look blankly at someone? 
He sure was friendly, though.

Then at the lunch stop, we stood waiting to place our order. The gentleman making the food chatted with us, as if we were already privy to his entire life history, and had already been engaged in a conversation with him, (because apparetly we were in the middle of it), about how he was arguing with some woman, and "he said", "she said" monologue, and a whole lot of words I cannot publish.  This was all with a huge smile on his face.  Finally he took our order. 
He gave us free chocolate cookies later. 
He was sure nice, though.

Then there was the cow.  Laying in someone's driveway.  Outside the fence.  On her side.  Huge.
I thought she was asleep, so I made no shouting comments to Jeff as we rode by in the hurricane force winds.  He never saw it.
Apparently, she was dead.
Apparently you can put your dead animals on the side of the road for rendering collection.
Holy Grail - "Bring out your dead" came to mind, among other things.

It was an odd day.  Toto - we are in Kansas.
Dorothy's "house"
Dorothy's room

Wheat Splendor

PS - Wicked WIND of the West...

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