Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fifty Shades of Gravity

When I was foolishly planning all the "rest" time I would have on this trip, I downloaded several books. One was a book I had heard about on Good Morning America.
It sounded like a great "trashy beach book".
Then my daughters suggested I not read it.
Unless you've spent the last couple of months cycling cross country, or hiking the Appalachian Trail - you know of what book I speak. Fifty Shades of Grey.

Bottom line - the book deals with a relationship of both pain and pleasure.
That is what today's hills were all about - gravity's ability to make our lives exhilarating,
or a living hell.
Today, we had every variation of gravity
up and down,
steep and shallow,
long and short.
Fifty variables? Easily.

Pain? It was 94.1 miles, in ninety degree heat. Elevation gain of 3,128 feet. 
Pleasure? The twisty roads, the eight mile bike path through "Jurassic Park", the gardens, the shady spots, the views...and the SAGs.

So - when I get home - should I read the book or not?
I've got to read something while I try to tan my feet.

amazing and all over the place
John from the UK...through the bike path...and before he taught us a little biking ditty
unfortunate camera mishap - but glad for the proof that I really pedaled...clearly, I was talking - surprise
big farm

little farm - and loved those cows
SAG saints
This is Tracy.  She's the owner and director. She rocks. Period.
tonight's hydration


  1. Yes...you should read it

  2. I have not read it, but I did preview it on my iPad and if you like your smut well written then this is not the book for you. Put aside the fact that this story started as Twilight fan fiction (which it is very difficult for me to do)and the writer still makes VC Andrews look like an excellent writer. Which is saying a lot.
